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When I moved from Texas to Utah, I needed a house. Let’s say I loved my Realtor in TX so I brought her with me to UT to show me houses. She’d know how to do the things that are important to me, like looking up homes for sale in the Multiple Listing Service, showing me homes, and even telling me which school districts perform well. But she wouldn’t have heard what homes might be coming on the market soon, about any expansive soil or radon concentrations in certain neighborhoods, nor the “personality” of the school districts I’d be considering.

When you need help with creating a brochure, marketing strategy, social media plan, website, or anything else related to marketing, it’s the same kind of thing. You can go to an advertising agency or an freelancer. They can all do a great job at creating marketing material for you. But your brochure’s font size will likely be smaller than the low vision standards that your consumers might need. You might review the final cut of your CIL’s new video, only to realize that the only People with Disabilities that are represented are those using wheelchairs. And the social media posts they’ve created for you could very likely have phrasing that alludes to we’ll do this or that for you versus embodying the Independent Living philosophy that we’ll walk alongside you as you reach your goals.

That’s where Aprosae is different. We’ve been employed in CILs, in marketing, so when we help you with marketing, you’re not paying for our learning curve on Independent Living, or on Disability Etiquette. You won’t have to keep tabs throughout the project, whether it be a brochure, video, or social media posts, to make sure these things are being addressed. And with over two decades of experience in marketing, we make sure that we’re not creating any of these things in a vacuum. We understand that the brochure should cross market your social media platforms and your video should be on the website. We advise you so that the marketing materials we’ve created are connected to other areas of marketing when you distribute these materials.

Coupling those advantages with the fact that Aprosae’s services cost lower than the national average since we’re a boutique agency dedicated to the mission of CILs, we’d love to work with you on your next marketing project. We don’t believe in retainers like other advertising agencies do. We don’t charge the national average of over $100 per hour for an advertising or marketing agency, nor do we charge the little less than $100/hour that you would for in areas like photography and social media.

And if you’d like your CIL staff to learn how to complete these marketing projects themselves, please look into our training. Our webinar series are designed so that your CIL can learn about all things related to marketing and eventually be independent of needing an advertising agency or freelancer for your marketing needs.

In the end, we hope that each CIL will implement a marketing strategy so that their consumers have the materials they need to understand and engage with your services. That’s why we’re all here. So that our consumers can reach the greatest degree of independence they desire. And they may not do that if they don’t even know that our CILs exist. That’s where marketing can help you reach your consumers.

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