Picture Books

Enrich Your Child's World!

At Aprosae, we’ve created picture books for children from 0-8 years old so they can enter new worlds to learn and grow. For a full list of what we offer, please see below.

Our first preschool Spanish picture book is titled, “Where is my baby? ¿Dónde está mi bebé?” and teaches basic words and phrases using a bilingual approach and colorful illustrations. Use the links below to get resources to help you and your child learn Spanish.

Every morning Princess Hootakluffy ran out the door of her castle. She stared at the big thing in the sky that looked like a cotton ball. No one knew what it was. She called it “Fluffy.” But when her curiosity got the best of her, she rode her pegacorn up to get a closer look. And that’s when the problems for her entire kingdom began. Can Princess Hootakluffy save her kingdom from the fluffies? To find out, use the link below to purchase this book on Amazon!

While this book was created to accompany the first semester of our preschool Spanish curriculum, it can also be used as a standalone book to teach some Spanish words, primarily animal names, in a non-intimidating and natural way through repetition. This book also teaches children the importance of accepting others who are different than they are.

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